Xtra deal: Heart Health Support Pack - 3 months supply. FREE SHIPPING. 20% off retail price.
Our company was founded by Dr. Seth Baum, a well known US cardiologist, specialized in Preventive Cardiology. Seth knew exactly what nutrients a healthy and normal functioning heart requires. With his long-year experience in the field, he noticed that many of his patients showed certain nutrient deficiencies as they grew older. A normal process - with growing age we eat less, we eat different food and our body cannot convert in the same efficiency the nutrients into important biochemical molecules like hormons, eicosanoids, neurotransmitters, and many more. By formulating premium quality dietary supplements and recommending these to his patients, he observed a significant improvement of their health and wellbeing.
Our Heart Health Support Pack is made up of
VitalOils1000 [3x]: Since over 15 years considered as one of the US top quality omega-3 fish oil DHA supplements. One single softgel contains more than 1000 mg DHA+EPA - the daily quantity recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA) to protect your cardiovascular system. Both DHA and EPA reduce the blood triglyceride levels and keep them at a healthy level. They reduce the blood viscosity and increase the blood vessel elasticity which results in a lowering of elevated blood pressure. They are highly antiinflammatory, thus control one of the most important primary coronary risk factors: inflammation. VitalOils1000 is especially rich in DHA (750 mg DHA and 250 mg EPA per capsule). This composition was chosen on purpose: (i) DHA in contrast to EPA is incorporated into the mitochondria cell membranes protecting them and making them produce more energy. The heart is an organ with many mitochondria. (ii) DHA lowers blood triglycerides even more effectively as EPA. It is correct that after DHA supplementation a slight increase in LDL-Cholestrol (bad cholesterol) is observed. However only the apo-B100 containing LDL is small enough to accumulate in the internal blood vessel and form over time dangerous plaques. Apo-B100 concentration does not increase after DHA supplementation. So there is no cardiovascular risk related to the observed slight LDL-cholesterol increase after DHA supplementation. Both DHA and EPA have shown to reduce drastically the risk of suffering a fatal cardiac event (heart attack, suddend heart failure, etc.) after ingesting 1000-2000 mg per day.(1)
It is important to note that most of these cardio-protective properties of DHA and/or EPA are observed with a dose of at least 1000 mg EPA and/or DHA per day.
StatinGuard [1x]: was especially developed to reduce side-effects (tiredness & muscle soreness) coming from Statin therapy. Statins do not only reduce the cholesterol, they also inable our body to produce the important Coenzyme Q10 responsible for the energy production in our mitochondria. StatinGuard, a "4 in 1" product, not only supplies your body the missing Coenzyme Q10 (cell energizing) but also contains significant amounts of Vitamin E, alpha-Lipoic Acid and L-carnitine, all of utmost importance for your heart health, sufficient energy production in every single body cell and to protect your body from dangerous oxidative stress. With growing age our bodie´s own CoenzymeQ10 production is reduced (if we take Statins or not!). We are more easily exhausted and more tired. Supplementing our body with StatinGuard will return to you a part of the energy. Most people notice this energizing effect already after the first couple of weeks of supplementation.
Vitamin D3 (5000 IU [1x]): too low blood vitamin D3 levels have been repeatably associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. Vitamin D3 is also known to lower elevated blood pressure. It plays an important role in our anti-inflammatory regulation system. Vitamin D3 is also known as the "feel good vitamin" which helps you maintain a positive emotional balance, reducing stress and thus indirectly having a positive effect on your heart. (2)
Suggested Use: Take 1-2 teaspoons of VitalOils1200 directly or diluted in a jogurt, smoothie, etc. and 1x Vitamin D3 vegetarian capsule with your breakfast. Take 1x StatinGuard tablet together with your lunch. Make sure you take your supplements with sufficient water.
WARNING: KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. Do not use if original safety seals are missing or broken.
Consult your doctor before use.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product package is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease!
Effect of Omega-3 Dosage on Cardiovascular Outcomes
Bernasconi, Aldo A. et al.Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Volume 96, Issue 2, 304 - 313 - Haider F, Ghafoor H, Hassan OF, Farooqui K, Bel Khair AOM, Shoaib F. Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Diseases: An Update. Cureus. 2023 Nov 30;15(11):e49734. doi: 10.7759/cureus.49734. PMID: 38161941; PMCID: PMC10757591.