1.  Die Kombination macht's- Omega-3-DHA zusammen mit B-Vitaminen konnten eine altersbedingte Demenz hinausschienben. Eine Analyse der VITACOG-Studie

  2. Vitalstoffe 1 2022, Das Magazin fur Mikronahrstoffe und deren Wirkungen



  1. Lembke, A. Belluzzi, et.alThe Effect of Supplementing a Novel n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Formulation Containing Schisandra chinensis Extract and Vitamin D3 to a Group of Elite Sport Athletes on Competition Related Stress, Anxiety and Self-confidenceAnn Appl Sport Sci 2020, 8(1)
  1. Lembke, J. Vogelgesang. “Omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, -D3 and -B2: A powerful combination to reduce systolic-/diastolic blood pressure, lower heart rate and improve heart-rate-variability (Short report)”. Academia Journal of Food Research 6(10): 069-075, October 2018 DOI: 10.15413/ajfr.2018.0105 ISSN 2315-7763 
  1. Lembke, A. Schubert, “Introduction to fish oil oxidation, oxidation prevention and oxidation correction”, in “Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Brain and Neurological Health”, editors R.R. Watson and F. de Meester, Academic Press (Elsevier) 2014, Chapter 37, p. 455-460.
  1. Lembke, Jillian Capodice, Kathleen Hebert, Thomas Swenson. “Influence of Omega-3(N3) Index on Performance and Wellbeing in Young Adults after Heavy Eccentric Exercise” Journal of Sport Science and Medicine (JSSM), 2014, 13, 151-156
  1. Lembke, “Production Techniques for Omega-3 Concentrates” in “Omega-6/3 Fatty Acids – Function, Sustainability Strategies and Perspectives” editors F. de Meester, R.R. Watson and S. Zibadi, Human Press (Springer Verlag), 2013, Chapter19, p 353 – 364, ISBN 978-1-62703-215-5,+%E2%80%9CProduction+Techniques+for+Omega-3+Concentrates%E2%80%9D+in+%E2%80%9COmega-6/3+Fatty+Acids&printsec=frontcover
  1. Lembke P., “Concentrating omega-3oils – supercritical fluid technology versus molecular distillation”, NutraCos, Omega-3 Directory 2011, p. 6 – 8
  1. Prado, P. Lembke, Efectos del consumo equilibrado de ácidos grasos Ω3-Ω6 sobre la morfofisiología de la mujer de media edad. Estudios de Antropología y Biología – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico. Vol 12, No 1 (2005)
  1. Lembke, P., Henze, G., Cabrera, K., Brünner, W. and Müller, E. (2001) “Liquid Chromatography”, in Handbook of Analytical Techniques (eds H. Günzler and A. Williams), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany. PP 275-340. doi: 10.1002/9783527618323.ch12
  1. Lembke “El necesario equilibrium de las grasas Omega-6 y Omega-3”, Salud (Fundacion Española del Corazón), Jul-Sep 2001
  1. Lembke, „Production of High Purity n-3 Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester by Process Scale Supercritical Fluid Chromatography“ in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Packed Columns – Techniques and Applications, edited by Klaus Anton and Claire Berger, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 1998, p. 429-443
  1. Lembke, J. Börnert, H. Engelhardt, “Characterization of Irradiated Food by SFE and GC-MSD”, J. Agric. Food Chem., 43(1), 1996, p. 38-45 
  1. Lembke, H. Engelhardt, R. Ecker, „On-line coupling of packed column supercritical fluid chromatography with multiple wavelength detector and radioactivity flow-through detector“, Chromatographia, Vol. 38, No. 7/8, 1994, p.491-501 
  1. Lembke, 5th ed. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Vol B5, “Liquid Chromatography”, (Chaps. 1, 3-10, Sections 2.1.-2.6.7.), VCH Verlagsgesellschaft Weinheim, 1994-2004, p.237-291
    Edition Jan 2001:
    Edition Oct 2011:
  1. Lembke, “Extraktion und Chromatographie mit überkritischem Kohlendioxid in der Lebensmittelchemie und Lebensmitteltechnologie“, Dissertation, 1994, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
  1. Lembke P., Engelhardt H., “SFE in Sample Preparation”. Trends in Analytical Chemistry – TrAC. 13.10.1016/0165-9936(94)87035-7
  1. Lembke, “Hyphenation in SFC and SFE”. Trends in Analytical Chemisry – TrAC. 13.10.1016/0165-993685061-5
  1. Lembke, H. Engelhardt, „Development of a new SFE method for the rapid determination of total fat in food“, Chromatographia, Vol 35, No. 9-12, 1993, p.509-516
  1. Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “Rapid determination of Phytanic Acid in Human Blood Serum by selectivity tuning in packed column SFC”, Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, Vol. 16, 1993, p. 700-702



  1. Process for recovering a substance or substance group from a mixture” EP0712651 (1995); USP8,293.932 (2006); NP314788 (1995); JP4501088 (1995)
  1. Component of a skin care agent” (1998), EP0868907; USP6,042,840; NP311782; JP4650814; ZA98/2340; CP42876;jsessionid=9CABF3F8BDDBDF96E37469A381047FF1.wapp2nC?docId=ZA1375440&_cid=P22-JXQERM-28011-80
  1. Novel use of omega-3 fatty acids” (2008), EP2222292, RFP2501557; CP2705936, US(A)12/734,657
  1. Column-chromatographic separation process” (2009), EP1202785; ZA20020426;+ZA20020426
  1. Phytanic acid fractionation process for recovering a substance or a group of substances from a mixture”. WO2011/018096 (2009), US 2011/0033595 (2009)
  1. Improved Chromatography Process for recovering a substance or a group of substances from a mixture”(2007) USP8,063,235, EP(A)07764713.9, CP2,656,286; Hong Kong(A)09105303.2 (2009)



2021: Carles Aguilar entrevista a uno de los pioneros mundiales en Omega 3. Hace ahora más de 30 años que el joven Peter Lembke, se licenciaba en Química de Alimentos en Alemania y emprendía la que iba a ser la mayor aventura profesional de su vida, hacer su doctorado sobre el método de extracción y purificación de aceite de pescado más innovador hasta entonces, la cromatografía de fluidos supercríticos o más conocida por sus siglas en inglés SFC (Super Critical Fluid Chromatography) 

2021: Rocio Periz y Dr. Peter Lembke – La importancia del Omega-3


2020: Dr Sergio Mejia y Dr Peter Lembke: Arteriosclerosis, Colesterol y Omega-3


2020: Canal Auditorium con Carles Aguilar | Dr. Peter Lembke

2018: Entrevista al Dr Peter Lembke, Fundador y CEO de PuroOmega

2019: Puro Omega un elemento fundamental para nuestra salud cardiovascular con el Dr Peter Lembke

2020: Cardiología Holisticas 1 Jornadas. Dr. Peter Lembke. Apuntes de química en entorno cardiovascular, con Dr. Sergio Mejia


Fishing for Success


2014: KD Pharma launches KD Active omega-3 concentrate


2014:  Omega-3 reduced delayed onset muscle soreness in half -RCT Jan 2014


2014: KD Pharma & Nutribiolink Partner to Produce High Grade Fish Oil

2014: Beps Biopharm SL introduces Omega-3 Index Test Kits


2012: BioProcess Algae and KD-Pharma Sign Commercial Supply Agreement for EPA-Rich Omega-3 Oils


2016: Panel Discussion at the 2016 NFAP Summit – Singapore


Advances in Lipid Methodology Vol. 5. by R.O. Aldof, Woodhead Publishing 2003. pp 345-346 ISBN-978-0-9531949-6-4


Peter Lembke Ph.D., Recognized by Worldwide Who's Who for Excellence in Omega-3 Fatty


PNIE (PsicoNeuroInmunoEndocrinologia) – Prof. for Master Course at PNIE Institute


2017: Podcast con el Dr Lembke


2013: Bioseutica sells high-end omega-3 division to German equity firm; mayor expansion planed


2003: El Huevo Columbus reduce el riesgo cardiovascular en mujeres postmenopausicas -Según el "Estudio de Navalcarnero" realizado por la Universidad


Integrated process for the production of omega-3-EPA by means of microalgae in a photo-bio-reactor; development of decomposition and extraction methods





  1. “SFC and SFE in Food Analysis”, 16.06.1992, 16th Symposium on Liquid Chromatography (HPLC´92), Baltimore, USA
  2. “Rapid total fat determination of food by SFE”, 09.02.1993, Würzburger Kolloquium Chromatographie/ Kapillarelektrophorese, Würzburg / Germany
  3. “Packed Column SFC of rapid fat analysis” 03.03.1993, InCom´93 Symposium and Exposition, Düsseldorf / Germany
  4. “Quantitative Extraction of lipophilic compounds in food with SFE” 29.03.1993, SFC/SFE Seminar (Dionex), Idstein, Germany
  5. “Packed column SFC in environmental analysis” 10.05.1993, 17th Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography (HPLC ´93), Hamburg, Germany
  6. “SFE – an alternative for the fat determination in food?”

Hewlett-Packard SFC Seminar in:

Karlsruhe / Germany 11.11.1992

Hamburg / Germany 16.11.1992

Düsseldorf / Germany 17.11.1992

Gothenborg / Sweden 03.05.1993

Stockholm / Sweden 04.05.1993

Oslo / Norway 05.05.1993

Helsinki / Finnland 07.05.1993

  1. “Introduction to Supercritical Fluid Chromatography” , Hewlett-Packard SFC Seminar

Gothenborg / Sweden 03.05.1993

Stockholm / Sweden 04.05.1993

Oslo / Norway 05.05.1993

Helsinki / Finnland 07.05.1993

  1. “SFE for quantitative food analysis” 02.06.1993, Basel / Switzerland
  2. “SFE and SFC of Unsaturated Fatty Acids” 10.10.1993, 5th BCEIA and 3rd Sino_Germany Seminar on Chromatography, Beijing / China
  3. “Nachweis radioaktiv bestrahletr Lebensmittel mittels SFE-GC/MSD“, 22.02.1994, Würzburger Kolloquium Kapillarelektrophorese-Chromatographie, Würzburg / Germany
  4. Preparative SFC of physiologically active omega-3 fatty acids“ 05.10.1994, 10th Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography (PREP-94”, Baden-Baden / Germany
  5. “Anwendung der Präparativen Chromatographie mit überkritischen Medien” 14.02.1995, DECHEMA Workshop “Anwendungsperspektiven von überkritischen Medien“, Frankfurt / Germany
  6. „Schnelle Methode zum Qualitativen Nachweis der Bestrahlung fetthaltiger Lebensmittel mittels SFE-GC/MS bzw SFE-pcSFC/FID“, 28.03.1995, Süddeutsche Lebensmittelchemikertage, Saarbrücken / Germany
  7. „Process Scale SFC – a feasibility study“, April 4th 1996, 7th Int Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Extraction, Indianapolis / USA


  1. Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “Nachweis radioaktiv bestrahlter Lebensmittel mittels SFE-GC/MSD”, Proceedings of the “Würzburger Kolloquium Kapillareletrophorese-Chromatographie – 1994“, Bertsch Verlag, p.105-112
  2. Lembke, H. Engelhardt, Column coupling for selectivity improvement in packed column SFC, Journal of High Resolution Chromatography (Proceedings of the 15th Intern. Symposium on SFE and SFC (1993), Riva-del-Garda/Italy), Dr. Alfred Huethig Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993, p.234-235
  3. Lembke, H.Engelhard, “SFE zur Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes in Lebensmittel”, Proceedings of the Würzburger Kolloquium on Chromatography and Electrophoresis- 1993”, Bertsch Verlag, 1993, p.89-94
  4. Lembke, H. Engelhard, „Applications of SFE in Food Analisis“ Proceedings oft he 15th Intern. Symposium on Capillary Chromatography – 1993 in Riva-del-Garda/Italy”, Dr. Alfred Huethig Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993, Vol II, p.1724 – 1728
  5. Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “SFE and SFC of unsaturated fatty acids”, Proceedings of the “5th BCEIA and 3rd Sino-German Seminar on Chromatography – Beijing/China, 1993, ISBN 7-301-02363-4/2.332
  6. Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “Schnelle Methode zum qualitativen Nachweis der Bestrahlung fetthaltiger Lebensmittel mittel SFC-GC/MS bzw. SFE-pcSFC/FID“, Proceedings (Nachtrag) oft he „24th GDCh-Hauptversammlung, Hamburg – 1993“, ISBN 3-527-29083-4
  7. Lembke, P. Haas, H. Engelhardt, „SFE and SFC in Food Analysis“, Proceedings of the „16th Intern. Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography (HPLC ´92)”, Baltimore / USA
  8. Lembke, H. Engelhardt, R. Krumbholz, „Isochratic HPLC enrichment of highly unsaturated triglycerides from marine oil using a biocompatible eluent“, Proceedings of the 19th Int. Symposium on Chromatography, 1992, Aix-en-Provence / France