Die Kombination macht's- Omega-3-DHA zusammen mit B-Vitaminen konnten eine altersbedingte Demenz hinausschienben. Eine Analyse der VITACOG-Studie
- Vitalstoffe 1 2022, Das Magazin fur Mikronahrstoffe und deren Wirkungen
- Lembke, A. Belluzzi, The Effect of Supplementing a Novel n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Formulation Containing Schisandra chinensis Extract and Vitamin D3 to a Group of Elite Sport Athletes on Competition Related Stress, Anxiety and Self-confidence. Ann Appl Sport Sci 2020, 8(1)
- Lembke, J. Vogelgesang. “Omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, -D3 and -B2: A powerful combination to reduce systolic-/diastolic blood pressure, lower heart rate and improve heart-rate-variability (Short report)”. Academia Journal of Food Research 6(10): 069-075, October 2018 DOI: 10.15413/ajfr.2018.0105 ISSN 2315-7763
- Lembke, A. Schubert, “Introduction to fish oil oxidation, oxidation prevention and oxidation correction”, in “Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Brain and Neurological Health”, editors R.R. Watson and F. de Meester, Academic Press (Elsevier) 2014, Chapter 37, p. 455-460.
- Lembke, Jillian Capodice, Kathleen Hebert, Thomas Swenson. “Influence of Omega-3(N3) Index on Performance and Wellbeing in Young Adults after Heavy Eccentric Exercise” Journal of Sport Science and Medicine (JSSM), 2014, 13, 151-156
- Lembke, “Production Techniques for Omega-3 Concentrates” in “Omega-6/3 Fatty Acids – Function, Sustainability Strategies and Perspectives” editors F. de Meester, R.R. Watson and S. Zibadi, Human Press (Springer Verlag), 2013, Chapter19, p 353 – 364, ISBN 978-1-62703-215-5,+%E2%80%9CProduction+Techniques+for+Omega-3+Concentrates%E2%80%9D+in+%E2%80%9COmega-6/3+Fatty+Acids&printsec=frontcover
- Lembke P., “Concentrating omega-3oils – supercritical fluid technology versus molecular distillation”, NutraCos, Omega-3 Directory 2011, p. 6 – 8
- Prado, P. Lembke, Efectos del consumo equilibrado de ácidos grasos Ω3-Ω6 sobre la morfofisiología de la mujer de media edad. Estudios de Antropología y Biología – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico. Vol 12, No 1 (2005)
- Lembke, P., Henze, G., Cabrera, K., Brünner, W. and Müller, E. (2001) “Liquid Chromatography”, in Handbook of Analytical Techniques (eds H. Günzler and A. Williams), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany. PP 275-340. doi: 10.1002/9783527618323.ch12
- Lembke “El necesario equilibrium de las grasas Omega-6 y Omega-3”, Salud (Fundacion Española del Corazón), Jul-Sep 2001
- Lembke, „Production of High Purity n-3 Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester by Process Scale Supercritical Fluid Chromatography“ in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Packed Columns – Techniques and Applications, edited by Klaus Anton and Claire Berger, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 1998, p. 429-443
- Lembke, J. Börnert, H. Engelhardt, “Characterization of Irradiated Food by SFE and GC-MSD”, J. Agric. Food Chem., 43(1), 1996, p. 38-45
- Lembke, H. Engelhardt, R. Ecker, „On-line coupling of packed column supercritical fluid chromatography with multiple wavelength detector and radioactivity flow-through detector“, Chromatographia, Vol. 38, No. 7/8, 1994, p.491-501
- Lembke, 5th ed. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Vol B5, “Liquid Chromatography”, (Chaps. 1, 3-10, Sections 2.1.-2.6.7.), VCH Verlagsgesellschaft Weinheim, 1994-2004, p.237-291
Edition Jan 2001:
Edition Oct 2011:
- Lembke, “Extraktion und Chromatographie mit überkritischem Kohlendioxid in der Lebensmittelchemie und Lebensmitteltechnologie“, Dissertation, 1994, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
- Lembke P., Engelhardt H., “SFE in Sample Preparation”. Trends in Analytical Chemistry – TrAC. 13.10.1016/0165-9936(94)87035-7
- Lembke, “Hyphenation in SFC and SFE”. Trends in Analytical Chemisry – TrAC. 13.10.1016/0165-993685061-5
- Lembke, H. Engelhardt, „Development of a new SFE method for the rapid determination of total fat in food“, Chromatographia, Vol 35, No. 9-12, 1993, p.509-516
- Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “Rapid determination of Phytanic Acid in Human Blood Serum by selectivity tuning in packed column SFC”, Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, Vol. 16, 1993, p. 700-702
- “Process for recovering a substance or substance group from a mixture” EP0712651 (1995); USP8,293.932 (2006); NP314788 (1995); JP4501088 (1995)
- “Component of a skin care agent” (1998), EP0868907; USP6,042,840; NP311782; JP4650814; ZA98/2340; CP42876;jsessionid=9CABF3F8BDDBDF96E37469A381047FF1.wapp2nC?docId=ZA1375440&_cid=P22-JXQERM-28011-80
- “Novel use of omega-3 fatty acids” (2008), EP2222292, RFP2501557; CP2705936, US(A)12/734,657
- “Column-chromatographic separation process” (2009), EP1202785; ZA20020426;+ZA20020426
- “Phytanic acid fractionation process for recovering a substance or a group of substances from a mixture”. WO2011/018096 (2009), US 2011/0033595 (2009)
- “Improved Chromatography Process for recovering a substance or a group of substances from a mixture”(2007) USP8,063,235, EP(A)07764713.9, CP2,656,286; Hong Kong(A)09105303.2 (2009)
2021: Carles Aguilar entrevista a uno de los pioneros mundiales en Omega 3. Hace ahora más de 30 años que el joven Peter Lembke, se licenciaba en Química de Alimentos en Alemania y emprendía la que iba a ser la mayor aventura profesional de su vida, hacer su doctorado sobre el método de extracción y purificación de aceite de pescado más innovador hasta entonces, la cromatografía de fluidos supercríticos o más conocida por sus siglas en inglés SFC (Super Critical Fluid Chromatography)
2021: Rocio Periz y Dr. Peter Lembke – La importancia del Omega-3
2020: Dr Sergio Mejia y Dr Peter Lembke: Arteriosclerosis, Colesterol y Omega-3
2020: Canal Auditorium con Carles Aguilar | Dr. Peter Lembke
2018: Entrevista al Dr Peter Lembke, Fundador y CEO de PuroOmega
2019: Puro Omega un elemento fundamental para nuestra salud cardiovascular con el Dr Peter Lembke
2020: Cardiología Holisticas 1 Jornadas. Dr. Peter Lembke. Apuntes de química en entorno cardiovascular, con Dr. Sergio Mejia
Fishing for Success
2014: KD Pharma launches KD Active omega-3 concentrate
2014: Omega-3 reduced delayed onset muscle soreness in half -RCT Jan 2014
2014: KD Pharma & Nutribiolink Partner to Produce High Grade Fish Oil
2014: Beps Biopharm SL introduces Omega-3 Index Test Kits
2012: BioProcess Algae and KD-Pharma Sign Commercial Supply Agreement for EPA-Rich Omega-3 Oils
2016: Panel Discussion at the 2016 NFAP Summit – Singapore
Advances in Lipid Methodology Vol. 5. by R.O. Aldof, Woodhead Publishing 2003. pp 345-346 ISBN-978-0-9531949-6-4
Peter Lembke Ph.D., Recognized by Worldwide Who's Who for Excellence in Omega-3 Fatty
PNIE (PsicoNeuroInmunoEndocrinologia) – Prof. for Master Course at PNIE Institute
2017: Podcast con el Dr Lembke
2013: Bioseutica sells high-end omega-3 division to German equity firm; mayor expansion planed
2003: El Huevo Columbus reduce el riesgo cardiovascular en mujeres postmenopausicas -Según el "Estudio de Navalcarnero" realizado por la Universidad
Integrated process for the production of omega-3-EPA by means of microalgae in a photo-bio-reactor; development of decomposition and extraction methods
- “SFC and SFE in Food Analysis”, 16.06.1992, 16th Symposium on Liquid Chromatography (HPLC´92), Baltimore, USA
- “Rapid total fat determination of food by SFE”, 09.02.1993, Würzburger Kolloquium Chromatographie/ Kapillarelektrophorese, Würzburg / Germany
- “Packed Column SFC of rapid fat analysis” 03.03.1993, InCom´93 Symposium and Exposition, Düsseldorf / Germany
- “Quantitative Extraction of lipophilic compounds in food with SFE” 29.03.1993, SFC/SFE Seminar (Dionex), Idstein, Germany
- “Packed column SFC in environmental analysis” 10.05.1993, 17th Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography (HPLC ´93), Hamburg, Germany
- “SFE – an alternative for the fat determination in food?”
Hewlett-Packard SFC Seminar in:
Karlsruhe / Germany 11.11.1992
Hamburg / Germany 16.11.1992
Düsseldorf / Germany 17.11.1992
Gothenborg / Sweden 03.05.1993
Stockholm / Sweden 04.05.1993
Oslo / Norway 05.05.1993
Helsinki / Finnland 07.05.1993
- “Introduction to Supercritical Fluid Chromatography” , Hewlett-Packard SFC Seminar
Gothenborg / Sweden 03.05.1993
Stockholm / Sweden 04.05.1993
Oslo / Norway 05.05.1993
Helsinki / Finnland 07.05.1993
- “SFE for quantitative food analysis” 02.06.1993, Basel / Switzerland
- “SFE and SFC of Unsaturated Fatty Acids” 10.10.1993, 5th BCEIA and 3rd Sino_Germany Seminar on Chromatography, Beijing / China
- “Nachweis radioaktiv bestrahletr Lebensmittel mittels SFE-GC/MSD“, 22.02.1994, Würzburger Kolloquium Kapillarelektrophorese-Chromatographie, Würzburg / Germany
- Preparative SFC of physiologically active omega-3 fatty acids“ 05.10.1994, 10th Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography (PREP-94”, Baden-Baden / Germany
- “Anwendung der Präparativen Chromatographie mit überkritischen Medien” 14.02.1995, DECHEMA Workshop “Anwendungsperspektiven von überkritischen Medien“, Frankfurt / Germany
- „Schnelle Methode zum Qualitativen Nachweis der Bestrahlung fetthaltiger Lebensmittel mittels SFE-GC/MS bzw SFE-pcSFC/FID“, 28.03.1995, Süddeutsche Lebensmittelchemikertage, Saarbrücken / Germany
- „Process Scale SFC – a feasibility study“, April 4th 1996, 7th Int Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Extraction, Indianapolis / USA
- Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “Nachweis radioaktiv bestrahlter Lebensmittel mittels SFE-GC/MSD”, Proceedings of the “Würzburger Kolloquium Kapillareletrophorese-Chromatographie – 1994“, Bertsch Verlag, p.105-112
- Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “Column coupling for selectivity improvement in packed column SFC”, Journal of High Resolution Chromatography (Proceedings of the 15th Intern. Symposium on SFE and SFC (1993), Riva-del-Garda/Italy), Dr. Alfred Huethig Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993, p.234-235
- Lembke, H.Engelhard, “SFE zur Bestimmung des Fettgehaltes in Lebensmittel”, Proceedings of the Würzburger Kolloquium on Chromatography and Electrophoresis- 1993”, Bertsch Verlag, 1993, p.89-94
- Lembke, H. Engelhard, „Applications of SFE in Food Analisis“ Proceedings oft he 15th Intern. Symposium on Capillary Chromatography – 1993 in Riva-del-Garda/Italy”, Dr. Alfred Huethig Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993, Vol II, p.1724 – 1728
- Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “SFE and SFC of unsaturated fatty acids”, Proceedings of the “5th BCEIA and 3rd Sino-German Seminar on Chromatography – Beijing/China, 1993, ISBN 7-301-02363-4/2.332
- Lembke, H. Engelhardt, “Schnelle Methode zum qualitativen Nachweis der Bestrahlung fetthaltiger Lebensmittel mittel SFC-GC/MS bzw. SFE-pcSFC/FID“, Proceedings (Nachtrag) oft he „24th GDCh-Hauptversammlung, Hamburg – 1993“, ISBN 3-527-29083-4
- Lembke, P. Haas, H. Engelhardt, „SFE and SFC in Food Analysis“, Proceedings of the „16th Intern. Symposium on Column Liquid Chromatography (HPLC ´92)”, Baltimore / USA
- Lembke, H. Engelhardt, R. Krumbholz, „Isochratic HPLC enrichment of highly unsaturated triglycerides from marine oil using a biocompatible eluent“, Proceedings of the 19th Int. Symposium on Chromatography, 1992, Aix-en-Provence / France