The Prenatal DHA Test measures the amount of DHA in the blood. Studies show 5% is the level women should shoot for during pregnancy. View sample report >

To purchase the Prenatal DHA Testt go to our partner Omegaquant and insert the code VitalRemedy  to receive a 10% discount on the test.
Do You Know Your Prenatal DHA Level?
Once you know your Prenatal DHA level, you can personalize your diet to safely change your level in as little as two to three months. The goal is to reach a Prenatal DHA level of 5% or higher.

Eating fish, taking an omega-3 supplement, or a little bit of both can get you to 5%. You can eat two servings of low-mercury, high-DHA fish per week, like salmon, anchovies, herring and mackerel. If you can’t stomach those kinds of fish, an omega-3 or DHA prenatal supplement or a general fish oil supplement can raise your blood level. Make sure the supplement has at least 200 mg of DHA per serving, but it’s good to aim for getting both EPA and DHA if possible. Many people end up taking a supplement and adding a little fish to their diet as tolerated.

Click here to view a full Prenatal DHA Test report >

Prenatal DHA levels are related to:
Full term pregnancy
Baby’s growth and development
Postpartum health
Why the Prenatal DHA Test?
DHA (or docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, fish oil, and prenatal supplements that is an important nutrient for a healthy pregnancy. The Prenatal DHA Test, which is a measure of DHA in blood, lets you know if you are getting enough of this key nutrient for both you and your baby.


For you, DHA is important because studies have shown that women with higher DHA blood levels are less likely to have early preterm birth. For your baby, DHA is important for brain, eye and immune system development.


Early preterm birth happens before 34 weeks gestation.
DHA can significantly reduce the risk of early preterm birth by 42%.



In the United States, an uncomplicated birth costs $4300, while a premature birth costs on average up to $50K or more.



Research shows that women who have low blood DHA levels are at 10-fold increased risk of early preterm birth.



A scientific article showed that pregnant women should strive for a DHA level of 5% or above to reduce their preterm birth risk.


~60 mg

The recommended amount of DHA for pregnant women is 200 mg daily but most only get ~60mg from their diet & only 10% use a supplement.

 To purchase the Prenatal DHA Testt go to our partner Omegaquant and insert the code VitalRemedy  to receive a 10% discount on the test.