Vitamin D3 can avoid cancer related death by 13%

Many of you know that I live most of my time in Germany and Spain. Today I came across a very interesting Study which I feel I need to share with you. The highly specialized Oncologists, Scientists and General Physicians of the Heidelberg  Cancer-Research-Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum [DKF]) pointed out that alone in Germany we could avoid every year 30,000 cancer related death  by supplementing especially the 50+ years population with vitamin D. In the whole of Europe the scientists estimate that by such supplementation over 130.000 lives could be saved every year. That number should correspond very well with the situation in the US.

There is no doubt that vitamin D is important for our mental and physical health, including our immune system. But not only that. The scientists found that a sufficient vitamin D supplementation can reduce the number of cancer patients and cancer related death by 13%. This corresponds to 30,000 lives every year (only in Germany!)!

In the US, many  health professionals consider a sufficient high vitamin D intake when your 25-hydroxyvitamin-D2 and D3 blood level reaches 20 - 80 ng/ml. If this level is below 20 ng/ml then vitamin D supplementation is necessary. I would highly recommend you test your own vitamin D level. It is very easy. Go to our website and order your vitamin D test. Once you know your personal vitamin D levels you can make the correct decision whether to supplement your diet with vitamin D or not. Prevention can be easy – we provide you the tools … you just need to use them.